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The World's End Estate

WEMO needs You!


The World's End Management Organisation (WEMO) is offering all residents of the World's End Estate the opportunity to become members of the organisation by the purchase of a share.

WEMO is an estate based TMO and is working towards taking over some of the management tasks on the estate from the borough-wide TMO. WEMO has been set up by residents of the estate for residents. It is a registered Friendly Society and all of its members are residents of the estate. Membership allows residents to demonstrate their support of the organisation, give them the right to vote at the organisation's general meetings and take part in the organisation's ongoing development.

WEMO shares cost 10p and are limited to one per resident.

Residents can purchase shares by filling in a WEMO membership application form and returning it to the WERA Clubroom with payment. Their share in the organisation will then be issued. Membership forms have now been posted to all residents. In addition an electronic version of the membership form which can be printed out and filled in is available for download and it is now also possible to register your interest online on the WEMO homepage.

Further information on WEMO and its progress to date is available from the WEMO homepage.

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WEMO in the News

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