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The World's End Estate

Piazza Works Complete?

Major Works

The Council declared the World's End Piazza open after the completion of refurbishment works in July. It is clear however that the works are far from complete and that the Piazza has disappointed both local residents and businesses.

Following the official opening of the Piazza both the World's End Residents Association and a group of local residents and businesses - the "World's End Piazza Committee" - have met with the Council on several occasions to discuss the possible progress and development of the clearly incomplete works.

The discussions have centred on the proper completion of all outstanding items, (particularly the lighting), further environmental improvements (more greenery!) and identifying how the Council might encourage greater productive use of the space.

Both WERA and the World's End Piazza Committee hope the Council will ensure that the Piazza will become the wonderful, welcoming open-air venue local residents and businesses were promised.

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