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The World's End Estate

Major Works: Latest Schedules (Mar 2003)

Major Works

The World's End Residents Association has compiled a schedule of the proposed major works based on the currently available information provided by RBK&C and the TMO.

The current schedule of major works is as follows:

The first phase of walkway works was completed in December. The council is now re-tendering for the following two phases of work with the intention that the work will re-commence in September.

Work on replacing the windows has now begun. Durkans, the appointed contractor, have set-up a site next to the gate in front of Blantyre Tower (embankment side). The works are expected to take 80 weeks to complete and come to a close in early autumn 2004. WERA are maintaining a schedule of the work using the information provided by the Council, the project consultants (Shreeves) and the appointed contractor (Durkan). In addition Durkan, the appointed contractor, has also set up its own web page to provide residents with information.

The council has now awarded the contract for the lift replacement programe. Work is expected to get underway in the late spring or early summer, beginning with Dartrey Tower.

Planning of the proposed security system is currently underway. The intended start date for the works is early 2004 and the works are expected to take 12 months to complete.

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