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The World's End Estate

Major Works: Latest Schedules (Sep 2003)

Major Works

A new set of schedules for the various major works projects on the estate have recently been made available.

Walkway Resurfacing Works

The first phase of walkway works was completed in December 2002. The Council is currently re-tendering the two subsequent phases of the work.

The latest update from the Council (as of September 2003) is as follows:

The tenders for phases 2 and 3 have just been returned and are with the consultant for analysis. The consultant has looked at the two lowest and is concerned that they are underpriced. Further investigations are being made.

The scheme is due to start on site in the New Year following leasehold consultation and Board approval. It is a 46 week contract and will be: Upper Dartrey, [Upper] Whistler, [Upper] Berenger and [Upper] Blantyre Walks, a small area of Whistler Walk adjacent to Whistler Tower and Dartrey Walk between Greaves and Ashburnham.

The plan is that Phases 4 and 5 will start immediately after phases 2 and 3 have finished and will be tendered while phases 2 and 3 are on site.

Windows Replacement Works

Work on replacing the windows has now begun. Durkans, the appointed contractor, have set-up a site next to the gate in front of Blantyre Tower (embankment side). Whistler, Greaves, Dartrey and Berenger Towers were completed in the order indicated in the original timetable but with a six-eight week delay. Subsequent phases have been re-scheduled and are now as follows:

Blantyre Tower September 2003 - January 2004
including: 30-33 Upper Blantyre Walk and 29-32 Blantyre Walk

Whistler Walk and Upper Whistler Walk October 2003 - December 2003

Dartrey Walk, Middle Dartrey Walk and Upper Dartrey Walk October 2003 - December 2003

Berenger Walk and Upper Berenger Walk January 2004 - March 2004

Blantyre Walk and Upper Blantyre Walk January 2004 - March 2004

Ashburnham Tower January 2004 - March 2004
including: 17-18 Dartrey Walk, 18-20 Middle Dartrey Walk, 45-46 Upper Dartrey Walk, 1-2 Whistler Walk and 1-3 Upper Whistler Walk

Chelsea Reach Tower March 2004 - May 2004
including: 1-4 Blantyre Walk and 1-5 Upper Blantyre Walk

Lift Refurbishment Works

Work on the estate's lifts has now begun. The full schedule of works is as follows:

Ashburnham Tower
Lift H005, October 2004 - April 2005
Lift H006, May 2005 - November 2005

Berenger Tower
Lift H013, September 2003 - March 2004
Lift H014, April 2004 - October 2004

Blantyre Tower
Lift H009, October 2004 - April 2005
Lift H010, May 2005 - October 2005

Blantyre Walk Goods Lift
Lift H015, October 2004 - March 2005

Chelsea Reach Tower
Lift H011, October 2004 - April 2005
Lift H012, May 2005 - November 2005

Dartrey Tower
Lift H007, September 2003 - March 2004
Lift H008, April 2004 - September 2004

Greaves Tower
Lift H001, September 2003 - March 2004
Lift H002, March 2003 - September 2004

Whistler Tower
Lift H003, September 2003 - March 2004
Lift H004, April 2004 - September 2004

Security Works

Planning of the proposed security system is underway. Leaseholders were consulted on the proposed zoning scheme in the spring and the result of this consultation exercise is due shortly. It is hoped that works will begin before the summer of 2004.

The latest update from the Council (as of September 2003) is as follows:

The 164 leasehold properties were consulted on the proposed zoning of the estate and we received 76 responses. Of these 8 replied no. Following legal opinion this means that we will be unable to move forward with blocking off the walkways.

The new Project Manager, Floyd White, starts on 22/9 and the intention is that he will progress the security improvements scheme. I think as a first step we need to review or re-interpret Pelling's proposals and concentrate on security cameras, environmental improvements, designing out problems and improved lighting. Linked in with this will be the improvements to the Piazza area and we would adopt an incremental approach in introducing the other measures.

I think the work to the Piazza can be progressed as a first stage but it is likely that as a consequence the main security works will slip from 2004. We have started looking at installing cameras in the lifts as part of the lift renewal programme.

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